- Creators Toolkit
- Kypso
Kypso | Agentes inteligentes para líderes de P&D
Automatize e escale suas equipes de P&D com Kypso. Integrado aos aplicativos que você usa, melhore a produtividade.
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0%Kypso's Visão geral
Kypso is a powerful automation tool designed for R&D leaders, enabling seamless integration and scaling of R&D teams. It features pre-trained bots that streamline common R&D tasks, allowing teams to automate processes directly within their existing workflows. Kypso enhances productivity by providing a single interface for managing automations, generating release notes, creating Jira bugs from Slack threads, and summarizing meeting notes. With a focus on security and privacy, Kypso ensures that sensitive data remains protected while offering flexible pricing plans suitable for teams of all sizes.
Kypso's Características
Seamless integration with existing tools
Pre-trained bots for R&D tasks
Automated generation of release notes
Security-focused data management
Flexible pricing plans for teams of all sizes
Kypso's Preços
Free plan at $0, Team plan at $10 per seat, Enterprise plan is custom pricing.
Kypso's Analítica
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