- Chat Bot
- Kotae
Crie um Chatbot de IA que Seus Clientes Adoram | Kotae
Automatize 80% das consultas com Kotae, o chatbot de IA pronto em 5 minutos. Experimente grátis por 30 dias!
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0%Kotae's Visão geral
Kotae is an AI-powered chatbot designed for small businesses, enabling them to automate 80% of customer inquiries in just 5 minutes without any coding. It utilizes your content to provide tailored responses, ensuring a personalized customer experience. With advanced technology from OpenAI, Kotae can be trained using your website data and FAQs, allowing for continuous improvement. The chatbot supports over 80 languages and can be customized with your branding elements. A free 30-day trial is available, making it easy to get started and cancel anytime.
Kotae's Características
Automates 80% of customer inquiries
Customizable branding options
Supports over 80 languages
Kotae's Preços
Free 30-day trial, with options available thereafter.
Kotae's Analítica
Descrição geral do sítio Web
Principais indicadores de desempenho para kotae.ai
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0m 0s
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