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StartupBolt로 빠르게 SaaS 스타트업 구축하기 - 60% 할인 중!
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StartupBolt's 개요
StartupBolt is a powerful Next.js boilerplate designed to accelerate the launch of SaaS startups in days rather than months. With a focus on efficiency, it allows users to set up their projects in minutes, saving up to 672 hours on product launches. Key features include seamless payment integration, a modern theming system, built-in documentation, and advanced SEO capabilities. Ideal for technical founders and entrepreneurs, StartupBolt simplifies the development process, enabling users to focus on core features and iterate based on real user feedback. With a limited-time offer of 60% off, it provides lifetime updates and support for a one-time payment of $137.
StartupBolt's 특징
Next.js boilerplate for rapid development
Seamless payment integration with Stripe and LemonSqueezy
Built-in documentation system
Advanced SEO features
Modern theming with shadcn
Credit-based access management
Lifetime updates and support
Easy setup with npm installation
StartupBolt's Q&A
StartupBolt's 가격 책정
Limited-time Black Friday offer: $137 for lifetime access, down from $347.
StartupBolt's 분석
웹사이트 개요
다음에 대한 주요 성과 지표 startupbolt.com
페이지 / 방문
총 방문 횟수
현장 체류 시간
6m 46s
글로벌 순위
국가 순위
인기 지역
국가별 트래픽 분포
- 1.India100.00%
총 방문자 수
지난 3개월간 월별 방문자 통계
트래픽 소스
트래픽 소스 분포