- Speech
- Silvia
Silvia's 개요
Silvia is the world's first multilingual dictation system designed to adapt to your unique speaking style. It seamlessly integrates into your existing dictation setup, allowing you to switch between languages, including English and Spanish, even mid-sentence. This innovative tool lets you complete your thoughts before processing your speech, enhancing your dictation experience. Future updates will expand language support to include French, Romanian, German, and Dutch. Available for free on the Apple App Store, Silvia works as an extension across various chat platforms such as iMessage, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and Messenger.
Silvia's 특징
Multilingual dictation system
Adapts to your speaking style
Switches languages mid-sentence
Supports English and Spanish
Available as an extension for chat platforms
Silvia's Q&A
Silvia's 가격 책정
Silvia is available for free.
Silvia's 분석
웹사이트 개요
다음에 대한 주요 성과 지표 silviaspeaks.com
페이지 / 방문
총 방문 횟수
현장 체류 시간
0m 0s
글로벌 순위
국가 순위
인기 지역
국가별 트래픽 분포
총 방문자 수
지난 3개월간 월별 방문자 통계
트래픽 소스
트래픽 소스 분포