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- Sendsmrt
Sendsmrt - AI를 활용한 개인화된 콜드 이메일 작성
Sendsmrt로 콜드 이메일의 긍정적인 답변률을 2배로 증가시키세요. AI 개인화 도구로 효과적인 캠페인을 실행하세요.
Sendsmrt's 개요
Sendsmrt is an AI-driven tool designed to enhance cold email outreach by personalizing messages at scale. Utilizing advanced GPT-4o technology, it crafts engaging subject lines and introductions that significantly boost response rates, doubling positive replies. With a focus on efficiency, Sendsmrt allows users to generate thousands of personalized emails in minutes, reducing the risk of spam flags and improving deliverability. The platform also offers a proxy pool for safe data scraping, ensuring user IP protection. Ideal for businesses looking to optimize their email campaigns, Sendsmrt provides a user-friendly experience with easy CSV downloads for seamless integration.
Sendsmrt's 특징
AI-driven email personalization
Utilizes GPT-4o technology
Boosts response rates by 2x
Time-saving prospect research
Reduces spam flags
Proxy pool for safe data scraping
CSV download for easy integration
Sendsmrt's Q&A
Sendsmrt's 가격 책정
Sendsmrt offers a simple pricing model starting at $0.20 per credit. Plans include a free tier with 20 credits, and paid plans range from $80 to $400 per month, providing additional credits and features.
Sendsmrt's 분석
웹사이트 개요
다음에 대한 주요 성과 지표 sendsmrt.com
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