- Speech
- TalkNotes
TalkNotes : Application de notes vocales IA #1
Transcrivez vos notes vocales facilement avec TalkNotes, application iOS et Android. Prise en charge de 50+ langues, conversion vocale en texte, édition facile et plus encore! Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui.
TalkNotes's Vue d'ensemble
TalkNotes is the leading AI voice note app that allows you to easily transcribe and organize your audio files. With state-of-the-art AI technology, TalkNotes ensures a high accuracy rate in converting speech to text. The app is available for both iOS and Android, and supports 50+ languages, including Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and many more. You can upload your own audio files up to 20 minutes long (or 2 hours with Pro) to be transcribed. TalkNotes also provides the option to edit and organize the converted text to suit your needs. An internet connection is required to access the full range of features. Your privacy is guaranteed, as all audio files are deleted after transcription and the AI is not trained using your notes. For any questions or assistance, you can contact the support team via live chat or email at support@talknotes.io. If you're interested in an API, reach out to support@talknotes.io.
TalkNotes's Caractéristiques
High accuracy voice-to-text conversion
Support for 50+ languages
Upload and transcribe your own audio files
TalkNotes's Q&R
TalkNotes's Tarification
For pricing details, please visit the [TalkNotes Pricing](https://talknotes.io/pricing) page.
TalkNotes's Analyse
Aperçu du site web
Principaux indicateurs de performance pour talknotes.io
Taux de rebond
Pages / Visite
Total des visites
Temps passé sur place
1m 25s
Classement mondial
Rang du pays
Principales régions
Répartition du trafic par pays
- 1.United States12.64%
- 2.Norway8.80%
- 3.France4.97%
- 4.United Kingdom3.45%
Total des visiteurs
Statistiques mensuelles des visiteurs pour les 3 derniers mois
Sources de trafic
Répartition des sources de trafic