- Code & DB Assistant
- Latta AI
Latta - Résolvez vos bugs automatiquement avec notre IA puissante
Latta facilite la gestion des bugs pour les développeurs. Détectez et corrigez les erreurs sans code, rapidement et efficacement.
Latta AI's Vue d'ensemble
Latta is an innovative AI tool designed to automate bug detection and resolution in software development. By recording user sessions and allowing developers to replay them, Latta simplifies the debugging process, enabling quick fixes without the need to sift through code. Ideal for software companies, freelancers, and startups, Latta enhances productivity by reducing the time spent on bug fixes, thus allowing teams to focus on feature development. With a commitment to security, Latta ensures that no code is stored or used for AI training, making it a reliable choice for developers looking to streamline their workflow and improve application quality.
Latta AI's Caractéristiques
Automated bug detection
Session recording and replay
No code storage policy
Integration with GitHub and GitLab
AI-assisted bug fixing
User-friendly interface
Fast implementation
Supports various programming languages
Latta AI's Q&R
Latta AI's Tarification
Latta offers a free trial with no credit card required, allowing users to explore its features before committing to a paid plan.
Latta AI's Analyse
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