- Productivity & Growth
- Dotomo
Dotomo - Organiza tu habitación con diversión y creatividad
Descubre Dotomo, la app que transforma el caos en orden con recordatorios divertidos. ¡Accede a la beta ahora!
Dotomo's Visión general
Dotomo is an innovative AI tool designed to help users maintain cleanliness and organization in their living spaces. With a playful and engaging approach, Dotomo sends reminders and alerts to encourage tidying up, making the process fun and interactive. Users can receive notifications about clutter, such as clothes on the floor or dust bunnies under the bed, prompting them to take action. This tool is currently in beta and offers early access through TestFlight, making it an exciting option for those looking to improve their home environment.
Dotomo's Características
Engaging reminders for cleaning tasks
Playful notifications about clutter
Encourages organization in living spaces
Open-source platform
Available for early access via TestFlight
Dotomo's Precios
Dotomo is currently in beta and does not have a defined pricing structure available.
Dotomo's Analítica
Resumen del sitio web
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